The Kagyu Monlam is an annual prayer festival, where people gather together in order to listen to Buddhist teachings and to pray for peace and harmony on earth and the well-being and happiness of all the world.
Thrangu Monastery hosted the first North American Kagyu Monlam in 2009. Since its inception, the festival has been held annually in various US and Canadian cities. Thrangu Monastery is delighted to be hosting the 10th North American Kagyu Monlam this year.
The Marme Monlam (Lamp Prayer) is the traditional closing prayer to the week-long Kagyu Monlam prayer festival. We will be offering songs and dance to the Three Jewels, as well as to both the ordained and lay sangha. And, together, we will be lighting lamps to pray for the wellbeing of all sentient. Please join us on this beautiful closing ceremony.